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About Us

Who We Are

A ground breaking endeavor to bring local products of Myanmar to the Pacific Northwest, Seattle Washington. If you have been to Burma or even if you haven't but are interested in the culture this is your one stop location to the culture. Yellow Cheek Imports was founded when an Army vet and a Burmese Student Married early in 2019. The veteran found himself enthralled with this ancient culture still rooted in their traditions. It is our mission to help the rest of the world understand and enjoy the great Burmese culture. We founded Yellow Cheek Imports with one goal in mind: providing a high-quality, smart, and reliable online store. Our passion for excellence has driven us from the beginning, and continues to drive us into the future. We know that every product counts, and strive to make the entire shopping experience as rewarding as possible. We provide around-the-clock customer service, and our selection is simply wonderful. 

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For centuries, the people of Myanmar have used thanakha, a thick, silky paste made from ground tree bark, on their faces to protect them from the sun and as a standard of beauty. Women, men, and children of all backgrounds wear thanakha, a pale yellow paste made from pulverized tree bark that is painted artfully or smeared carelessly onto their faces.

When did us as human beings first decorate our oldest canvas: the body? It is impossible to say. The primordial evidence—of hides of Stone Age people have long since turned to dust. Yet clues remain. Other archaeological finds suggest that cosmetic pigments were used by pre-human ancestors as long ago as a quarter of a million years. Vanity is very old indeed. As with all cultures today in Myanmar/Burma, this ancient human impulse for self-beautification remains on bold display everywhere.

At Yellow Cheek Imports LLC, we’re proud of our great products and exceptional customer service. We employ an amazing group of professionals who are passionate about what they do and always ready to help out. 


Seattle, Washington  |  Tel: (425) 362 2935

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